Tutorial for those who want to try making ASCII art. Site also has very large alphabetically listed colletction of art. Links to FAQS and other ASCII art pages. Facebook Ascii Art « Facebook Craze The American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) is the standard set. Improve a sample ASCII art. Copy and paste an. Developing Balloon Animal Characters Ascii girls art love heart balloon image for facebook __00000___00000_ _00000000_0000000_. Funny large ascii art heart joke to copy and paste for facebook walls.
How to Make an Animal by Typing Characters on Your Keyboard | eHow.com
copy and paste ascii « Facebook Craze
Here are some really cool and cute little ascii art faces and smileys that you can use on your facebook profile page. You can copy and post these to your status.
Chris.com - ASCII ART
Balloon ascii art copy Ascii Art Dictionary / Collection